pintertest resumes!
claim: use gelatin and milk to replace spendy biore nose strips!
test: well, this definitely works. fortunately i had some gelatine in my cupboard for some reason, so i was able whip this up easily. 1 packet of gelatine mixed with 2 tblsp of milk. mix that bad boy up.
it gets chunky. then put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.
it gets soupy, and now’s the time to apply!
the worst part about this stuff?? it STINKS like bad milk. yucko. the instructions say to apply with a popsicle stick, but why waste something like that? use your fingers.
i just put it on my nose and chin. you can put it all over your face if you’d like. let it dry til you can’t move your mouth. i let it sit for about 20 mins.
omg time to peel! that was all the farther my mouth would open. that stuff is STIFF. peel back an edge with your fingernail (might take a few tries), and peel away.
and boy does this peel away stuff. it is BETTER than a biore strip. if you have sensitive skin, you might want to not try this, or wait til a weekend so if your skin peels off with the gelatin, you have a day to recover.
smooth as a baby’s butt! my skin is still tingling.
…AND of course, since it was made of milk, sophie had to eat the remains XP
verdict: this works. it takes maybe a minute to prepare. and definitely cheaper than biore. i had a LOT of leftover goo after i applied. i don’t know if it’s possible, but a person could try to put it in the fridge and re-microwave when you want to use it next.