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i want to get this, but i’m not sure on the placement. where else would be appropriate? i thought about between the boobs, lol.b959f106bf869acdbf4470b694d2a89a

five stars; would attend again

five stars; would attend again

zombie pub crawl was pretty awesome, despite being sober! i’d imagine it’d be more fun if i’d been slightly buzzed! i loved my costume, and had a lot of comments on it! the first guy who said anything actually had a leg tattoo of bruce! woo! only met one other guy dressed as ash the whole night.
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one thing i would add: more dirt and blood to my clothes and face. i would also make sure to bone up on more quotes besides “groovy” and “give me some sugar baby”.  i’m impressed no one stole my gun, even though quite a few people started to take it out of its holster (i guess to see if it was real?). i’m also impressed i kept my trusty chainsaw on my hand for most of the night. i thought i would get sick of it and stick it back by my gun, but it wasn’t that much of a pain. i’m glad i went with a mirror image though so i could have my right hand free.
lots of zombies. lots of ornery people. lots of drunk people. i found waldo. a few zombie slayers (like me! haha!). next time we would start at the other end and get there earlier so we could see the actual festivities.
definitely recommend!

so ready!

so ready!

1. i just need to bloody/dirty up my clothes, and i’ll be set for the pub crawl. so excited about my costume!
2. government is still closed. which means my house loan is still on hold. come on,idiotic congress. get your act together.
3. bought a NEW BIKE! i’d been riding my $15 goodwill bike all summer, and finally i had enough. the handlebars had always been crooked, but i didn’t realize how crooked until i took it apart. the bar that slides into the bike frame itself is bent. that’s pretty much unfixable. talked to charlie and convinced myself to buy a new bike. black and pink shwinn! cost $165, but got the walmart discount on it at least. still no helmet.
4. i’ve been thinking about going to see a therapist about my anxiety. could be i’m co-dependent as well? i’m always like, nate let’s do something together, but he’s always not into that and wonders why i’m bugging him all the time. not sure. mom is co-dependent, so it wouldn’t surprise me. there’s more to that but here is not the location.
5. i’m way behind on packing. well, if we don’t get a loan, i won’t have to worry about packing!

(somewhat) wordless wednesday

(somewhat) wordless wednesday

after long consideration, i am going as ash williams from evil dead franchise at the zombie pub crawl. made an s-mart gun holster, and also procured a chainsaw, which i will have to attach to my hand somehow. next up, shirt demolition and blood spatters.
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Getting past the block

Getting past the block

When I sit down to write, fingers to keyboard, ready to fill the white void, I often have a moment’s hesitation. There is something daunting about that blank space that gives me a pause, and I have a short burst of writer’s block. What if I can’t fill the space? What if my brain doesn’t want to spit out the words? What if the fact that I haven’t written anything substantial in three months finally catches up to me? What if it’s gone? What if…what if…what if…?
Then the words flow from brain to fingers, and the white void becomes something substantial – something real.
When I was invited to post to Medium, I was so excited. But I had no idea what to write – of course now that I had an opportunity to reach more people on a large platform, I felt like my brain was out of good ideas. My first (and only, save this one) post was something I had written in 2007.
I used to write all the time. In gradeschool I was the huge nerd who wrote short stories and read them aloud during Reading class in school. I started a full-length novel my first year in college, an angsty fantasy romance where the heroine dies in the end. I took many classes where writing was the focal point, finishing with a minor in creative writing. I enjoyed writing research papers (yes, you read that right). A couple years after college, I started my blog as an outlet for my words, and nine-and-a-half years later, here we are. My lifetime readers have seen the early entries, posts pulling from the past with memories swelling at the seams; they have also seen recent contributions, where the majority of my posts are daily comings and goings and full of pictures.
What do you do when the well feels like it’s drying up? I started writing a book on my journey to eliminate corn syrup from my diet back in May…I haven’t written a word in three months. Instead of pushing through and putting words to paper (so to speak), I have been pushing it aside. I used to be able to write for hours and hours, but I feel it’s such a chore lately.
Part of this I blame on a self-diagnosis of social ADD. I spend so much time checking my online presence – my work is social media, so I get to work and login to Facebook and Twitter, then go home and login to Facebook and Twitter. I have been known, on more than one occasion, to check my Facebook WHILE ON FACEBOOK. Back in the old days of 2003, I would go to work with no internet access, then come home and check my email and messageboards. Now my technological life is in my pocket at all times. I need an intervention, but when my work revolves around that from which I need to abstain, it gets a little hairy.
Another part of this is that I’m just lazy. I need to get a schedule to write and stick to it. That’s why I like NANOWRIMO so much  – it’s only a competition with myself, and only myself loses if I don’t finish. Out of the three years I attempted NANO, I beat myself two years – 2007 and 2011 (RIP 2010). It’s such a rush to have this national gathering of writers pledging to write 50,000 words in a month. And when you plug in your finished product at the end of November to find your word-count is awesome? It’s such a rush.
My sister Jane and I recently went to a convention where we encountered an unexpected guest – an hour Q&A with a writer at a horror convention (nerdism runs in the family). He was speaking specifically to horror and thriller writing, but his advice can be applied to all types of writing. Words are words, after all, scary or not.
I asked how he got past writer’s block (without actually mentioning writer’s block). He said one of his books took 15 years to write – it just had to gestate that long. Ultimately, though, you just have to write and push through the block, just like with anything that’s in the way. That’s what I have to do, that’s what you have to do, that’s what anyone has to do.
November’s fast approaching. NANOWRIMO might be the final push I need to get myself back into the writing groove. It really isn’t NANO that does it though – it’s a personal choice that has to come from a person’s own ambition; whether you win or lose in the end is really up to you. Get those fingers in shape – time to push past the block.

i knew that the big gay race and crypticon would be fun, but i didn’t know it would result in the best day ever!
i drove up to the cities the night before and stayed with jane so we could get an early start on the big gay race. after a breakfast of granola bars, jane and i drove to minneapolis and waited to run the race. it rained almost the entire time we ran, and it got increasingly cooler as the day progressed, but we finished with decent times and got out of there before we caught our death of cold.
took a shower and get ready for crypticon. after getting to the hotel the long way because someone read the website wrong (note: not me), we finally got to the hotel, but almost got lost while there. there was no signage! ugh! but we found it in time to see billy dee williams talk (lando calrisian of star wars fame) and left about halfway into his talk. so we decided to find TED RAIMI.
got his autograph on a picture i had from xenacon 2000 (which he found kind of humorous) and got record-scratch silence when jane mentioned we sang the joxer song the night before. after realizing we weren’t serial killers and just huge nerds, he let us take his picture.
we wandered around for a bit and looked at all the stuff the vendors had for sale. we wanted to go see the zombie killing guide but ended up listening to writing tips from a horror writer, which was actually pretty good!  since the zombie guide thing was rescheduled later, we decided to go to the moa and peruse the halloween shop so jane could get some fake blood and makeup.
got back and had a couple beers before heading back over to get my face done up by ex-whatever dude who does zombie makeup now. it was pretty cool. also got advice to stick around afterward because of afterparty stuff next to the pool.
MEANWHILE, jane and i kept seeing wil wheaton’s doppleganger everywhere. we knew it wasn’t him, but did a double-take every time. so i tweeted willw.
we were watching the costume contest and i happened to check twitter. there was an @ reply to my tweet!!! i nearly died from nerd celebrity exposure!!!
already on cloud nine, me from wilw, jane from ted exposure, we went up to the zombie prom to see what was going on. at this point we’d had a couple drinks from poolside adventures, so we put in vampire teeth and blew bubbles and had a blast – and TED WALKED IN. AND DANCED!!! AHHH!! so we danced too, but not with ted because we were chicken.
walked out and i called megan to see what we should do. she gave some sage advice, but darned if i could remember what it was because i was tipsy. went back to the prom and saw ted again dancing, then saw him walking out. awesome!
back to the pool and met up with ex-whatever and his zombie model and drank WAY WAY WAAAAAAY too much. jane will attest.
i think we left between 2 and 3, got back to jane’s where i puked gloriously.
best. day. ever.

why i'm faux goth

why i'm faux goth

when i was at st. ben’s taking my computer art III class in 2001, my professor had a tragus piercing. this was right around the time the cartilage piercings were starting to take off, and when i saw that tragus and how it was completely different than anything else out there, not to mention looking good on a 45-55-year-old woman, i decided then and there that i wanted one. (on a side note, that was the ONLY graphic design class i took in my entire college career, grad work included.)
before that i had already decided i’d get a tattoo at some point. my uncle and cousin had tattoos that i’d admired (even though they did not).
so when i had the cash, i got the tattoo first, and then less than a year later, i got my tragus pierced. at this point i’d already had my cartilage done (with a gun, unfortunately).
then they started cropping up all over.
this wasn’t a bad thing; i just considered myself an early adopter.
when i saw a picture of a triple forward helix three years ago or so, there was another moment where i said, “i want that”. and today i went in to get it.
unfortunately, my ear isn’t designed to accommodate a triple forward helix, so i just got a couple helixes farther up my ear. not exactly what i wanted, but i’m still happy with them.
what is the cause, though? i couldn’t tell you besides the idea that when i see something i like, i normally go for it. my tattoos are not your stereotypical picked-out-of-a-book tattoo with biker symbols and skulls and death that most people associate with tattoos. my piercings are all removeable if i want them to be (no). i like pretty things. i like meaningful things. i don’t consider myself goth (they are too emo) like my mom thinks i am. i just think things are pretty that she doesn’t.

a tale of a run and tattoo

a tale of a run and tattoo

i’d been waiting for this weekend for a while. i’ve been wanting to do a color run for a while, and jane needed to get an “official” 5k under her belt, and both my sisters and i were able to actually participate! so once i knew jane would be coming down friday night, i thought about taking her to infinity tattoo here in town (recommended by jane herself as well as an ex(?) who is a huge tattoo fan) to see about my tree tattoo (finally) and a triple forward helix piercing.

i might still try to get this – at least two of them – in the next month or so.

i thought i was going to get the piercing that night; that was my plan anyway.
liz ended up coming over on friday as well, and she pulled in just as jane and i were pulling out to head over to infinity (after a hard 2 hours of LBP karting). we piled into the tattoo parlor, i gave the artist my sketch of what i was thinking (the 4 quaking aspens) and she said she could do it for $150 – CHEAP. (i had gotten a quote from jeff’s a couple years ago with a crappy drawing the dude did of one tree and he estimated $200.) on top of that, i asked the piercer about the forward helixes. he said he didn’t do them; so that plan was shot for the night! so instead, i made an appointment for saturday for the tattoo.
the color run was awesome! i’d say we ran about 1/3-1/2 of the 5k and got all colored up. two things i would change: the route was way convoluted and there was no water station! definitely recommend at least a water station. but it was fun and an awesome experience, especially for jane with her first 5k, and i am looking forward to the big gay race in september (i hope jane can come!).
liz had to leave, and jane and i took a little tour over to st charles and drove past the future wallace residence. once we came back, it was tattoo time.
painit took about 45 minutes all told. the artist – jackie – was really quick with outlines, and my leg didn’t start twitching at all (i was a little worried about that). see the grip i have on my chair? that isn’t fake.
when she was done, the cost ended up being only $130. i was going to leave her a huge tip because i love it, but there was no tip line on their credit slip! that was unfortunate, but maybe it’s one of those places that don’t accept tips. ah well.
so there we go – all in all a productive weekend. and i might be ready for fall!



tomorrow i’m making jane go to infinity tattoo with me to check out what they have. if the price for a triple or double forward helix piercing is reasonable, i might just walk out with one. the other thing i’m trying to nail down is my tree tattoo.
i was going to get it last year after i got my job, but the foot book held my brain and i got that instead. so now back to the tree and the dilemma of where to put it and what exactly to get. i think i have a place nailed down, especially if i do a single tree: on my right outside leg above my ankle. it’s an overdone location, but i don’t know where else i would put it that makes sense with the roots.
the second half of this is do i want an orangey-yellowy-reddish maple tree? or a stand (4 of them – for my sibs and me!) of quaking aspen?
download  tree-15_19_1-Tree-Sunrise-Northumberland_web
the single tree, obvs, would not be bare – just like the shape of it and especially the trunk.
quaking aspen remind me of walking through the woods at st. john’s during autumn. if i make them small enough, above the ankle still might work. but i like the single tree idea too (that would def. go above my ankle).
opinions? ideas? i’m driving myself crazy.