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Month: March 2014



tomorrow is my 10-year blogging anniversary. i need to do something spectacular, but i don’t know what.
since nate is unemployed, i’m picking up some odd jobs on the side. i just did my grandma’s taxes (they were uber easy) and i’m also going to do some webwork for my old supervisor at merrill (the nice one). taxes are done, and the webwork one should be fun. easy way to bring in money to pay for my fancy clothes for wine and roses.
i’m still figuring out my new computer stuff. i have to get my fonts off my old mac, and i still haven’t figured out optimal monitor settings for the new one. slowly but surely, i guess!
i’ve been on a baking spree, and as soon as my dad finds his martha stewart cookie cookbook, i’m going to try to do a month of cookies (maybe not every day, but at least twice a week!).
i got awesome canadian candy in the mail today! my pal dave from canada sent some candy down here, including kinder eggs, which apparently makes me a felon. so far my favorite is the coffee crisp, which is kind of like a coffee flavored (mild) kit kat. yummy!

mmm cake

mmm cake

after using my new computer setup for a couple days, i realized i was getting nauseous while sitting here. i looked online as to what it could be, and found that a lot of people who switch to LED monitors have issues with how they’re lit. so nate and i switched out our monitors, and i’m using his ginormous 27″ LCD as my main monitor and his LED as my secondary. how annoying. further annoyingness is that it’s taking me forever to find the right color settings. #firstworldproblems
and here’s a cake i made for work tomorrow! i bought a cake decorating set with a crapton of tips for $2, and i decided to try it out since i had some extra frosting. i should have done the entire cake with that frosting tip. that would’ve been cool looking.

miss H!

miss H!

Hannah’s one year photos. My backdrops were wrinkly, Hannah was teething, sleepy, and cranky, and the tutu was a little big. not my best photos, but there are some cute ones!

DST: a haiku

DST: a haiku

daylight saving time
pushing light to the day’s end
i will give up sleep
(i bought my dad a martha stewart cookie cookbook a couple years ago for christmas. i’m thinking of borrowing it from him and making all the cookies in it for him throughout the year for his bday. i wonder how many recipes are in the book…)

sugar mama

sugar mama

i didn’t marry nate for his money.
i know there are some ladies out there (NOT MY READER BASE) who only marry dudes with money. that has never been a priority for my mate choices.
that said, nate quit his job at walmart last night. he was miserable; i was miserable; life was unhappy around here. we had talked about it before he went in. when he was laid off in 2009, we lived off less money than i’m making currently, and that was with a bigger house payment, so i knew we could do it if we needed to. plus there’s some money in savings and stocks we can sell, and if worse comes to worse, we’ll sell nate’s car.
he went in last night, looked at the schedule, saw he was working four departments while other people were working two to an aisle, handed his badge over to the supervisor, said “i can’t do this anymore”, and walked out.
so! we’ll see how things go around here. i’m told i won’t have to do dishes. that’s exciting in and of itself.



so i took a look at the 10-day forecast, and nestled in there was this little gem:
Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at 9.41.42 PM
*song and dance time*
*run outside time?*

i have too many pictures!

i have too many pictures!

got my new mac and monitors today! installed my crapton of RAM, hooked everything up, and now it’s just a matter of moving everything over from my poor little imac onto the new mac.
i installed pshop and it launched in like, 5 seconds. i was amazed. just imagine what would happen if i got a solid state drive for my applications and start disk. stuff would start in nutso time.
right now i’m importing all my photos. now, you have to realize that i have archived all my photos through 2010, so this is only the past four years’ worth of photos. i’ve been importing for about 20 minutes and it’s about 75% done. this hard drive is only 500 GB, but i have two terabyte externals. i guess i just keep buying externals as i keep taking pictures, especially if i get a better camera that has ginormo file sizes.



ash wednesday is in a couple days, and if you’re catholic (or former catholic), you know the season of abstinence will be upon us.
i know i’ve questioned the no meat on fridays thing at least a couple times, in that i don’t understand how going to a huge fish fry or meatless spaghetti feed on a friday is supposed to promote abstinence in any way just by the absence of meat, but i have been rebutted and told that the community aspect is key. so: gorge on.
today my mom asked me what i was giving up for lent. she knows i’m no practicing catholic and that i have agnostic leanings. still, the idea of “giving up” something for lent is appealing – not in the sense of OMG i’m doing this for god and so i know what jesus went through and the starving children in africa, but more of a self-control sense. (i might add that since the holidays, my self control when it comes to food has gone really haywire.)
on top of that, does it necessarily need to be food? why can’t we add something back in? for instance, i think something i will be trying to do over the lenten season is to run at least 4 days a week for at least a half an hour each day. as it is, i run 3 days a week, anywhere from 20-40 mins a day. self-control, abstinence, and sacrifice can come in difference avenues than the very thing that sustains us. besides, shouldn’t we be eating in moderation in the first place?
i know giving something up has its perks: think of the sweet reward at the end of lent when you can add that bad thing you shouldn’t be eating anyway back into your diet. instead, how about trying to eat healthier? eat more fruits, vegetables, proteins, etc. maybe cut back on caffeine, and at the end of lent, how about just not adding it back in?
now, i could never give up chocolate forever. (chocolate was the classic childhood give up thing.) on the OTHER hand, i HAVE given up devil’s syrup forever. (i tried to tell my mom i was giving up corn syrup for lent – it didn’t fly.) maybe instead of deciding the give up a “bad” food for 6 weeks, how about making a lifestyle change and eating a little healthier or doing a little more moving? volunteering at a food shelf or giving $10/month to a charity? setting aside meditation time each day to focus on the present? it doesn’t quite have the allure of “omg i gave up chocolate for 6 weeks and now i can stuff my face with ALL THE CHOCOLATE” but i think by not villifying our vices, it might be a little healthier and easier*.
*or is it not supposed to be easy?

craigslist killer averted

craigslist killer averted

i sold my chest freezer when nate and i moved (for too little, i might add).
i’ve been searching craigslist for a while for a decently sized chest freezer so i can get back to buying a quarter cow and hopefully some pork too. i needed something in the middle – nothing 5 cu. ft and not as big as my old one (25 cu. ft).
finally i found one in onalaska, so nate and i went over there today and got a medium-sized freezer – yay! it’s plugged in sitting the middle of my dining room right now to make 100% sure before hauling it down to the basement.
haven’t found the craigslist killer yet!