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Day: May 9, 2014

book review: the dark tower

book review: the dark tower


back when i was young and stupid and thought i wouldn’t like stephen king, i heard a lot about his “dark tower” series from a lot of people. number one thing being that it isn’t like his other books, and i would probably like it. (this before i realized he didn’t write horror all the time.)
so, in effort to get over my stupidity a few years ago (and GLAD I DID!!!), i bought my first king book, “the gunslinger,” and promptly read it. i was not entranced by the plot, but i was intrigued by his storytelling. a few months later i picked up “the green mile” and then all bets were off. i started reading mr king’s books left and right. WHY HAD I WAITED SO LONG???
but it was another year or so until i picked up the second DT book, and when i did, i was really turned off. i bet if i reread it now, it would be ok, but something just turned me off from that book at the time. i did finish it, but it took me a long time to pick up the third book – in fact, it was the end of this past march. and i flew through the rest of the series in a little more than a month, just finishing the final book last night.
contrary to popular opinion, i did not find anything wrong with the end at all. in fact, this series was the best vampire, zombie, time-traveling, parallel universe, post-apocalyptic, dystopian, auto-biographical, good vs evil, fantasy, sci-fi, literary-lifting, robot, meta, ego-stroking, writing advice/lesson, breaking of the fourth wall, deus ex machina, western, romance series i’ve ever read!
now, i’m going to go into some analysis and thoughts on the series, especially the last book, and if you plan on reading the books in the future, i suggest not reading the jump.

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