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Day: May 1, 2006

a few thoughts

a few thoughts

on illegal (or legal) immigration. mostly talking about the hispanics who are quickly becoming a large part of the country.
first of all, there is no official language in this country. i agree that the majority of people speak english, but we can’t “force” anyone to learn a language in a country that doens’t HAVE an official language. my prediction is that in the next 50 yrs or so, there will be a close tie between english and spanish speakers. and ya know what? i know both languages, so i’m not gonna complain.
second, the republicans are never going to enforce illegal immigrants. why? because hispanic immigrants vote republican. they are devout catholic people, and they will vote republican because of that long-lived wedge issue, abortion.
third, i don’t care if there are illegal immigrants in this country. i don’t care if there are legal hispanics in this country. the first people to arrive were “illegal” immigrants. we are ALL immigrants. native americans even descended from people who walked over the arctic bridge (or artic. i don’t know which). so get over yourself. everyone descended from an immigrant of some sort. to want to throw them out is hypocrtical.
BUT these immigrants aren’t going to get anywhere by waving the mexican flag during protests. you don’t see me walking around waving my german flag, because i’m an american. i value my german heritage, and love bratwurst and sauerkraut, but i’m not going to go around yelling about my right as a german-american to what other people have. so, seriously, if they want to be taken seriously, they should start waving an american flag while wearing fiesta gear or cinco de mayo skeletor costumes. HOWEVER….on st patrick’s day, the irish wave irish flags and stuff; but this isn’t a holiday, this is a protest to make american citizens see your point.
fourth, let them stay.