Browsed by
Day: May 8, 2006



so, i guess my temp job is over. that was lame. 2.5 days! so much for 2 weeks, which was the original plan.
i have an interview at the lit press on thursday morning, then thursday afternoon i have a second interview at the place in waseca. and i have an interview for sharon’s job (she’s moving), but i’m not sure what the pay would be on that.
nothing much else is going on. my cat has been pretty demanding lately, crying out muted yelps and twitching her tail a lot. maybe she has cat allergies, who knows.
i’m also preparing myself for liz’s shower, which is in TWO WEEKs, and her wedding is in a month!! holy cow. that’s coming up fast. this weekend i’m heading up to fargo for melissa’s graduation party, then on saturday i’m heading down to the cities with my grandma for my cousin molly’s grad party. are my sisters coming???? i’m curious. let me know.
so once again, a drive heavy week. i hate spending money on gas, but i’m hoping that grandma will foot the bill for the cities trip. maybe i’ll convince her to take the bug, since my car clicks and dings and all that jazz. seriously, all my car needs now is jazz hands, and it’ll be a broadway musical.
i just did DDR! what a workout!