things i liked about CSB
this year marks 3 years since i’ve been at st. ben’s. i really liked that place. here’s why:
mcglynn’s had awesome mozerella stick wiht a little plastic thingy of marinara sauce. they also had very good subs or wraps or whatever youw anted and their crab salad was excellent!
vincent smiles
when i was a senior i took my required JC class (judeo christian for us catholic kids pope points) with vincent smiles on a recommendation from someone my first year there. paul’s letters. it was THE BEST class i ever took at that school. well, not the best class content-wise, but the best class prof-wise. vincent smiles is awesome.
parking passes
at the time, i thought the price for the parking passes was horrendous: $40 to park in a lot for the whole year!! i wasn’t happy. BUT when i compare it to say, SCSU, $40 is CHEAP. don’t knock it. plus, you dont’ have to walk five miles to get to your dorm.
the sidewalks were cobblestone! at least i knew where my tuition $ was going.