so it begins…the season where i am always cold. i’m assuming my new house will have the plumbing hooked up correctly and i will be able to have a hot bath without having to run up the water heater temp.
speaking of my new house, i’m really hoping the government opens in the next couple days so nate and i can get our home loan. that’d be awesome. supposedly there’s supposed to be a passage of something today yet, but i’m not holding my breath. i don’t know what we’ll do if the shutdown holds out into november.
and speaking of november (don’t you love my segues?), KABLPOMO is fast approaching. get ready!
last time i wrote an entry like this was in 2008! last night nate and i went to see some houses in st. charles and decided to take a look at one again this morning. our realtor said we’d better act fast on it if we wanted it because it was a really good price and other people were looking at it.
so we took a look in the daylight and i still loved the kitchen. the *real* hickory floors are glorious, and there is enough space for us while we slowly finish the basement. speaking of the basement, i took a look at the water heater usage and it’s a pretty darn efficient one! all the appliances are energy star. i’m hoping my electric bill plummets! there is enough room in the back and to the side for some garden beds, so that’s one checkmark on my list.
we made an offer. he had already drawn up most of the paperwork last night, so all we had to do was sign a bunch and decide on an offer. we offered full price plus closing, and added an addendum for some cash for a washer and dryer.
well, he sent it over to the other realtor and once i got back home i headed over with a check for earnest money. then a waiting game.
finally a phone call! they accepted the offer but reduced the amount for the washer and dryer (which i was ok with). tonight nate and i had to initial a couple things, but the house is set, and we’ve got a closing date on halloween! woo!
let’s take a momentary break from HOUSEBLOG to dwell on something truly glorious: the panera chocolate cupcake. take a moment to dwell on the perfection of this cupcake form. now imagine a moist cake part that is full of chocolate chunks and a GOOEY CHOCOLATE CENTER. not to mention the frosting wasn’t gross or crusty at all. totally worth the 500 calories the website claims.
ok, now that that’s over, nate and i are looking at the awesome kitchen house again tomorrow morning and my dad is coming along to take a look. he drove past this afternoon and sounded like he approved (unlike our house in st. joe). i’ll try to remember to take more pictures and who knows. maybe tomorrow we’ll make an offer. hmmmm.
nate and i went to look at another 5 houses tonight. the last one we looked at was gorgeous on a teeny tiny lot that has a backyard that looks into tall trees, so doable. unfinished basement, but the upstairs is more than sufficient.
unfortunately, the selling realtor might have sold it this afternoon, which would go right along with nate’s and my luck regarding househunting this time around. but the kitchen *drool*
i am getting frustrated. every house that both nate and i get somewhat excited about doesn’t pan out. we were going to go look at a house tonight that we scoped out last night. it has a gorgeous front porch that wraps around to a deck in the back. guess what? sold last week. ugh.
so, back to the drawing board. ;( i am not totally disenchanted yet (as opposed to DISENFRANCHISED, which i used incorrectly last time househunting happened, pointed out thanks to a random livejournal reader).
maybe we’ll live in a grass hut.
today nate and i are going to look at a couple houses that were finalists from my visit yesterday. one is an older home on an amazing lot with a huge garage and heated workshop. i still want to live out in the country thought! but if i were to live in town, this is the kind of house i would want to live in. (actually, put it on 3 acres out in the country – perfect.)
the second is a newer home split level that’s on a bigger lot, but i’m not enthralled by it. i just wanted nate to see a comparison.
we’ll see what nate thinks and what will happen from here. i still prefer the country, but i think that requires more money than we have. 🙁
nate and i met with the realtor today and the loan lady. we got approval to get a rural development loan which lets us not have a down payment, so yay for that. i don’t know the exact amount we were pre-approved for, but she gave us three scenarios with the highest at about $175,000 (which is too high anyway). after signing some papers, we went to look at a house, which i might be ok with, if not for the fact that it’s on a gravel road (nate is worried about wintertime and snow).
here is a permalink to a realtor listing with more pictures.
i love the view and the yard. house needs some cleaning and cosmetic work, but that’s easy. the basement is huge and unfinished, with much potential. saturday i am meeting with the realtor and we’re looking at some more houses. woo!
nate and i have an appointment with a realtor next tuesday at 4:30, and the loan officer is getting our crap together before that. so, we’ll see what happens! woo!