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Day: May 7, 2012



i’m doing some research on the next big thing, a la facebook. of course no one knows, but i can only imagine that it’s something that connects us even more than we’re connected – making communication more instant than it already is. it actually made me think of “minority report” where ads are individually crafted, and now i want to see that movie again.
that aside, sometimes i just want to regress and see what happens. i know one of my new year’s “resolutions” was to use my phone less. i’ve been trying to keep it upstairs when i watch a movie, or i stick it on the table while i sit in my chair and read. and you’d think the constant visual and/or mental stimulation would be enough to keep my brain from sending little tendrils of thought to my phone, and should i check fb, or twitter, or pinterest, or maybe someone’s updated her drawsomething game. ugh. it makes my pro-luddite brain shake its head.
i want a movie to be enough. i want a book to completely envelope me. i want to make it through an entire night out with nate without either of us looking at our phones. it’s the way things are going, and i’m in a cusp of a generation that is being swept along with it, but i don’t necessarily like it. but i do at the same time.
where’s the internet of 1998? chatrooms, emails, mp3s taking 20 minutes to download? the internet gave us the time to be with ourselves. now it’s a constant barrage. but sometimes i like it. and sometimes i don’t.