my home sweet home!
prof. harold hill had it easy. gary indiana was the town that knew him when.
but it’s hard for me when people ask me where i grew up or what my hometown is. i usually answer, “i graduated from high school in new london.” or “my parents live in new london.” that usually takes some confusion out of things, but if i get a further query, then i explain how i grew up in austin and in 9th grade we moved to new london.
but new london isn’t exactly my home town. i only really lived there for four years. i’ve lived in the st cloud area for 10 years, and lived in austin for 14 years, but new london is the answer i give. maybe it’s because my parents still live there.
when i was in winona, my parental units and i went to church and talked to some guy afterward about the architecture or the place, and my dad mentioned that he and i (not my mom) were natives of austin. what?? i don’t really see myself as a native of austin, but it’s probably true. i think it’s easier for my siblings to detach themselves from austin because they were young when we moved. liz was in 5th grade, jane in 2nd, and charlie in first. they can say they grew up in new london. i really can’t.
so i just continue to say i graduated from new london-spicer and things normally go smoothly from there.
i should really ask my mom what she would say when she was asked that question; she had a similar situation.