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Day: December 10, 2007

tree issues

tree issues

Yesterday I helped mom put up her tree with Jane and dad was there too. We went to Stacy’s and tromped around in the snow and cold, and mom was weenie and after like, 5 mins of tromping, told us she liked “that tree right there” and sat in the truck. Much to my chagrin, Jane agreed, and I gave up, and the tree came down.
Needless to say, mom has now agreed that my judgment in choosing xmas trees is far superior to hers.
That tree is TINY. It’s tall, but skinny as all get out. Back in the day (meaning, like, 6 years ago), we had a tree that completely filled up the space between the desk and the tv stand in the parents’ living room and came out to like, the middle of the room (in footage, that’s like an eight foot diameter on the tree). This year’s tree’s diameter is like, four feet.
NOT my choice in a tree. (pictorial evidence to come.)
But it’s decorated and pretty, and I am uber excited to get my tree this weekend. Woohoo!