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Day: August 17, 2006

ho hum

ho hum

i took a break from doing nothing last weekend and went to visit melissa in fargo. i was up there four days, three nights, one of which was spent at her parents’ house in fertile. i think the highlight of the trip was seeing a former high school associate who graduated a year before i did. jeff miller.
i didn’t even know it was him until about halfway through supper, and considering he was our waiter at red lobster, i must have been blind or something. he does look different, older different. he was still tall (b-ball player), and had his nametag that said “jeff”, but it still took me that long. i don’t know if he recognized me, and i wasn’t going to say anything because i thought that might be weird. 28 and working at red lobster in fargo. he had to have gotten major athletic scholarships for college. well, like melissa said, maybe he’s working his way through law school.
i also got to take home a lot of beef! melissa’s parents had to slaughter their bull because it broke its back while doing its job. (how on earth?…) so now i have hamburger, bologna, and a roast in the freezer. mm mm!!
and i know i haven’t had a short story entry in a while. i’m not having writers’ block, because i know how the order of the story is going to go; i’m just uninspired right now. maybe in the next couple days. we’ll see.