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Tag: work

the characters

the characters

since i put in my two weeks at target, i thought i would now take the time to talk about the “people” at target.
the guys
the guys fall into two groups, i’ve noticed. the younger guys who are there because they’re in school, they’re looking for other jobs, they’re just at another job. then the older guys, who tend to be there because they’re angry guys, weirdos, or losers. then there’s dave. we’ll talk about him later.
the girls
most of them seem to be butch. there’s a couple of older women in the group, with kids, so it seems to me they’re trying to save on childcare or something like that. the younger ones are kind of, hmm, odd, it seems. they’re not the girls who were class presidents or “most likely to be a model,” that’s for sure. they’re all kind of socially “off.”
then there’s the oddities.
this guy creeps me out. he wears the same pair of navy blue sweatpants to work every day. his ears stick out like no tomorrow. he has bad gas and doesn’t hide it. his glasses are like coke bottles.
TRUNCATED! ohnoeessss
dave reminds me of my dad – he’s an older guy and i’m not sure if he is working there because he’s bored or because he has to. he drives an astro van. how fitting. however, he does not take lunch in the van, like my dad. they don’t let you out of the store for lunch breaks (otherwise, he might). there’s a snotty girl who works there,
who ALWAYS picks on dave, and i just want to slap her. she’s self-centered, and never shuts up, “knows” everything (unlike shawn, who really does know everything), and i swear, she’s never had something not go her way. she’s probably an only child and i hate listening to her whiny voice. i tune it out whenever i work near her.
that’s my night crew. and in two weeks i’ll no longer be there! and my feet will become un-numb!! i’m very happy about this. 🙂



i’ve decided to accept the job that i probably won’t have very long 🙂 i am so sick of working overnights and hauling boxes and stocking shelves all night. at the end of the night, my feet are numb!
which spurred my and nate’s late-night decision to go to walmart and buy a wii. (coincidentally, my credit card company decided to raise my limit hugely, so i used that to buy it.) so nate is (supposedly) quitting WoW in march, after he bought the dumb expansion pack. also, he decided to buy guitar hero, so if anyone wants to have a video game haven, i guess my house is it. *sigh* wii, DDR, guitar hero, etc etc etc.
and in other good news, i AM getting a tax return this year! i was kind of worried that i wouldn’t because of all the freelance stuff i did, but we’re getting back a decent amount, with which i will pay back my parents and pay off one of nate’s school loans to free up $50/month. and i even get a decent rental property tax return! woohoo!! now, all i need is an AWESOME job (not just a job to hold me over) and to get out of this dump, and all will be good!



first, you know i’ve been working overnights when ANY activity during the day gets me giddy. last week angie and i planned to go to old navy and eat cheese fries, and i was so excited i could barely sleep that morning. today nate and i are going to the MOA for some out-of-town adventure, and again i’m very excited. this is sad; i need to get off working overnights.
which may be soon! i got a job offer from merrill for a prepress technician (basically a graphic designer who prepares things for print). it would start at $13/hr, which isn’t as much as i was making at poopwest supply, but a TON more than i’m making now. BUT i am not entirely excited for the job. would it be extremely tacky if i took it and then continued looking for other jobs? what if i got the scsu job and then quit at merrill a month later? opinions please.
ok, i am off like a dirty turtle shirt.
ps- also, my friend melissa has a blind date! how exciting for her!

a subject

a subject

I have been slacking lately. I’m sorry.
Not much is new except i am now graduated and smart, i guess. Fat lot of good that does since i’m working at target! Speaking of target, i had my orientation session yesterday, and that was, um, interesting. I am so not looking forward to working there. Well, i like the discount, except you can’t use a regular check-card to get the discount! That is the dumbest policy ever, IMO.
So, i start on the 28th. That gives me the day after christmas plus a day to reverse my sleep schedule. My last day here at this job is tomorrow, and they’re taking me out to lunch 🙂 which will be fun.
Sunday i think i’m heading over to new london for xmas. My sibs will all be there, so that’ll be nice. Nate has to work on xmas eve day til 6:30 he thinks, which is uber dumb. Hopefully he won’t pull a typical nate and not show up.
I’ve been kind of bored lately. Since i finished my huge paper (which i got a 95 on, btw! I was impressed cuz i thought that thing made no sense), i have been feeling like i have nothing to do.
Anyway, over my lunch i’m going to go buy my present from nate, which is practical and the only way he would agree to get me something for xmas. Isn’t that dumb? Who cares if we have no money. I WANT A PRESENT. End of story.
The end.
Ps – i’ll try to write something christmassy later on. I have to think of something.



i haven’t heard yet on the SD job, but it’s wednesday, and it’s kind of apparent that they would’ve gotten ahold of me sooner.
it’s getting to be not a matter of “oh the right one just hasn’t come along” but a matter of “what is wrong with ME?” having been to 15 interviews in a year, not to mention the at least 200 resumes i’ve sent, and getting rejected for each and every one of them is really wearing on my self esteem and worth. obviously i am not good enough somehow and that hurts and it is discouraging and tiring. it makes me not want to look for work at all and give up.
i’m so tired of this.
{sorry my posts lately have been so depressing.}

jobbie job job

jobbie job job

this job in pierre i interviewed for, i haven’t felt this good about a possible job since the newsleaders. of all the jobs i’ve interviewed for this year, it is the most promising, work-wise, people-wise, city-wise. the people are nice, newsleader-ish, the job itself is completely graphic design, which is the easiest thing for me to walk into, and i’ve always liked south dakota, and i’d only be 160 miles from the black hills 😀
so, i am supposed to hear early this week. if i don’t get this job, i will probably be the most depressed i’ve been since i lost my job (well, not really the losing it part, that job in itself made me depressed). the interview went well, as far as i could tell, and we’ll see what happens.
if i don’t get it, walmart here i come. poo. as soon as i hear, i will post results.

ah random

ah random

i forgot how fun it is to design crap! holy crap! my last job REALLY sucked.
anywho, classes at scsu start tomorrow, and i have my first class on thursday. i have been able to get all my classes to be evening classes except for this last semester. i have one evening class, and then one class tuesdays and thursdays noon-1:40. talk about a stupid time. seriously, i think it’s the only grad class that ISN’T offered as an evening class. pretty dumb if you ask me.
fall is approaching; i can smell it. i love fall, but i hate the beginning of cold. yuck.
nothing much else. i’m trying to find an easy part-time job to supplement my income. i’d love to work at a halloween store, but i have no idea how you go about applying for it. i can’t even remember the name of it.
that is all!

more random crap

more random crap

i talked to my supervisor at SCSU today, and he mentioned that after i graduated there would most likely be some job opportunities available at scsu. one inparticular is in the department i’ll be working in as a web content manager. awesome! i would love this job, but i have to improve my web copywriting skills. which, he said, i could hone during my tenure as graduate assistant.
(i hate job searching (the first part of the year confirmed that), and if this is a possibility, i am ALL for that!)
anyway, i start on tuesday, 20 hours a week, so i will be in the office tuesday, wednesday and thursday. which means 4 day weekends for me!!
and, i will be making even less than i did on unemployment. i called today for an application for food stamps, and i’m thinking of working part-time at crafts direct over the holiday season. oh joy. $3 gas and paying bills is annoying.