jobbie job job
this job in pierre i interviewed for, i haven’t felt this good about a possible job since the newsleaders. of all the jobs i’ve interviewed for this year, it is the most promising, work-wise, people-wise, city-wise. the people are nice, newsleader-ish, the job itself is completely graphic design, which is the easiest thing for me to walk into, and i’ve always liked south dakota, and i’d only be 160 miles from the black hills 😀
so, i am supposed to hear early this week. if i don’t get this job, i will probably be the most depressed i’ve been since i lost my job (well, not really the losing it part, that job in itself made me depressed). the interview went well, as far as i could tell, and we’ll see what happens.
if i don’t get it, walmart here i come. poo. as soon as i hear, i will post results.