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Tag: catvember

enter chaseycat

enter chaseycat

my boss brought chasey to the newsleader office in late 2002 after finding her hanging around one of the auto businesses’ garages. one of my coworkers was pretty allergic, so i offered to take chasey home. she’s been with me ever since. 
i took her to the vet, and it was estimated she was a year old around the time i adopted her, so that would make her 13 years old at this point. 
she was queen of the house for 12 years.

hello catvember

hello catvember

i am eschewing kablpomo for catvember. this is due to two reasons: 1. this whole year has been a kablpomo (well, kablpoye) and 2. i really want to buckle down on my devil’s syrup book and get it finished. 
so, we begin with gabby. gabby was my cat when i first graduated from college. she followed me everywhere and wouldn’t shut up. she slept on the dip between my hip and waist every night. she was with me for a year, dying from kidney something or eating a lily or paint chips or something. i got chasey almost two weeks before gabby died, so there was no going back on the cat thing.gabbycat