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Day: January 1, 2024

another year, another list

another year, another list

i don’t know if i should continue with these “resolutions” or not. revisiting them is always fun at the end of the year, but do they actually hold some level of accountability? i’m not sure. well, we’ll do it for 2024 i guess.

hey! it’s the 20th (TWENTIETH) year of blogging! wow. ok, well that occasion warrants a list. what’s going on in 2024?

  1. read more books. or just continue to read books. i hit an all-time high this year for books read, though i would guess it doesn’t hold a candle to 15-year-old kate who read every single extra moment of the day. as an adult, i’ll take 72 books in a year! aside from quantifying, it’s just a good idea to keep reading.
  2. keep on traveling! i hit that one last year, and there are plans to do more this year. i have a work conference and liz’s 40th birthday trip (delayed) that are already in the works. who knows what else???
  3. keep on running. we are doing a destination ragnar this year over to michigan during the solstice. that should be fun and a new experience. we’ll see how it compares to wisconsin trail!
  4. i may try to do the yoga every day again. it’s a worthwhile endeavor, and i notice when i don’t do it everyday. additionally, i need to start more weight training, so i want to try to do that every other day (maybe on the off day of running). i have a 15-lb kettlebell i’ve been using with youtube vids, but if anyone has recommendations for something else, i’ll take it.
  5. do something with nate. i don’t think we did much this year aside from him taking a week off over thanksgiving. i’ll have to think of something!

that’s a decent list of “resolutions” – i wonder if i make them pretty and print them out if i would be more mindful? i mean, most of them are things i’m already doing, but it’s nice to see them.

anyway, happy 2024.

WHOOPS year in review!

WHOOPS year in review!

i somehow thought i had more time, i guess, and did not do my year in review yesterday! it was on my mind, cuz i did my books of the year, but apparently my mind had a different idea.

so, let’s review 2023.

  1. i am not going to list take more pictures in my to-do list anymore. or maybe i need to reframe what i consider pictures. i take a ton of pics on my phone, so maybe i need to stop thinking i need to get out the fancy cam. the best camera you have is the one you have with you.

    this was a good plan because i did not take more pics on my big camera. i went places and deliberately chose not to bring my big camera because it was too much. i DID go out and take pics of the northern lights with my cam. so that’s something? anyway, i like the idea of letting this one go.
  2. travel! i will hit the nail on the head with this one – i already have a trip planned for next week to orlando with my sisters. there will also be a week at the lake and hopefully something else! i want to get to a few more state parks this summer, too.

    got this one in! we did go to orlando, which was super fun. we ended up going to disney, universal, the ocean, some went to disney again, and we all went to universal again.

    then two months later, i went BACK to orlando for a work conference and went back to universal. what a time to be alive.

    i did go camping a couple times over the summer – i went to whitewater in SE MN and then i went up to savanna portage west of duluth for some outdoor time and some hiking. and of course the week on the lake for the derry reunion.

    then in october, i went to palm springs for another work conference, and after it was over, i drove to the coast so i could spend a night in dana point (where lesley fightmaster lived), look at the ocean, and then drive down to san diego to fly out.

    then in november, i went BACK to california with megan to fulfill my dream of going to yosemite national park – which was awesome! 5 stars, would recommend yosemite. we should’ve stayed one more day.

    i think i nailed this one.
  3. figure out what to do my my yoga teacher certification. i don’t know if i start a youtube channel, talk to some studios in the area, or just start yoga in the park and see who shows up? we’ll see what i’m compelled to do.

    well, so far all i’ve done is do some yoga at work for various events. i do it about once a month and it’s super easy. it’s something, though.
  4. meditate more. when i was doing it regularly for my class, it was really easy to do it anytime, but that slipped away and i’d like to get back into doing it more regularly.

    i forgot about this one! i do try to pay attention more and to be more present. and i did meditate occasionally. but it’d be good to do it more.
  5. keep on running. i’ve been slacking the past couple months, and i have to get back into it to get going for the earth day half in april. real training starts in february! and i don’t know if we’re doing ragnar this year 🙁 we may be trying something else, but the ragnar experience has declined. booo.

    ugh, so i have kept on running, but i have been slacking even more. the earth day half was terrible again, weather wise. the granddad half looked to be an opportunity to redeem ourselves, but injury held us back. and i didn’t do any other races. and i have REALLY been slacking since the beginning of october when i had a cold. time to kick it into gear.
  6. just keep looking for opportunities. resolutions are bunk, as are to-do lists. (hold-up: lists aren’t bunk.) keep your eyes open and see what’s out there.

    to-do lists are NOT bunk. but really, just see what’s up and what you can do to make it better and keep on keepin on.