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Day: September 12, 2023

is this worth it

is this worth it

i’ve written before about how instagram reads my mind and delivers the right ads to me at all times. well, one of the things it kept shoving at me was a hip hook, a tool that releases your iliacus and psoas muscles, aka your hip flexors and the little guys that are hanging out behind your hip bones.

so i went to go check it out and OMG it’s nearly $200 for THIS??

really. -_-

but the more i read about the aletha hip hook, and the more that i looked at it in my feed, i thought, what can it hurt to try it out? it has a 60-day guarantee. if it sucks, i’ll just return it.

so i got it, and my runs have never been more lovely. i look forward to running more than ever before because since i started using this thing? my legs have been just wonderful. i haven’t had one of those runs where i know it’s going to be bad within 10 seconds of starting. last week i ran 5 miles three times! if not for the loss of my daytime light, i’d probably run 10 miles a day.

i use it right before going out on a run, and whatever it does, it has made all the difference. you can feel the flexors just start to loosen up.

and since i work for a government institution, i was able to get a 20% discount! so that was helpful. i still can’t believe that they charge what they charge for this, given it’s a piece of plastic and slab of metal, but i have looked for cheaper alternatives to no avail.

anyway, thanks instagram. highly recommend.

and tomorrow i get a litter robot for the cat poo. we’ll see how that goes!