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Day: July 1, 2023

patio mornings

patio mornings

mornings in the summer mean coffee on the patio.

the patio faces northwest, so the patio is in shade while i sit i my chair, either reading a book or scrolling on my phone. i hear birds, sometimes traffic from the freeway, and the rustle of leaves and other greenstuff. and it’s so pleasant to be able to sit out there, taking in all the warmth and green and loveliness that is spring, summer, and fall.

sophie likes to come hang out with me on the patio. she will flop over and enjoy the outdoors while mocking stan who is meowing from the door. (stan gets outside and tears off into the woods. no outside time for him.)

i have been slowly upping my patio game – in addition to a couple chairs and an end table. it started with solar lights hanging from the edge of the gutters. then i added a rug. the next year i added a better rug. this year i found a cushy ottoman and new pillows, as well as an offset umbrella for when it’s too bright on that side of the house. finally, a week ago, i got a fire table that my sisters bought me for my birthday.

patio mornings are when i can enjoy the stillness and possibilities of the day, opposite yet compatible (enhanced by coffee).