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Day: June 25, 2022

an intention

an intention

most of the yoga practices i’ve done have started with an intention. whether you like to call this a prayer, good vibes, a zen moment, or just, heck, call it an intention, it’s a good way to bring focus to a practice and to bring an element of meditation and calm to your mind.

for my yoga teacher training, i have to create and then teach a class. i have the poses set and have figured out my cues, but i need to form an intention setting for the start and end of class. so, here we go.

Let’s set an intention of release for our practice. This can be something personal. Maybe you want to send good vibes to a loved one who needs a message of release. Maybe there’s something in your life that you need to work on releasing. Maybe it’s even something physical – your hamstrings are tight or you have a knot in your shoulder. If you don’t have a personal intention, think about releasing your expectations for your practice. Just observe what happens. There are a lot of hip openers in this flow. During hip openers, it’s not uncommon to release emotions, and it’s ok to just let them happen. Take a deep breath in and then release it.

eh, i think that’ll work well enough. when i set a time with my teacher to do my final flow class, i’ll post a zoom link so others can join.