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Month: May 2022

what winter does (not a haiku)

what winter does (not a haiku)

what winter does

is make us forget how

May splendifies the earth

from the drabness

and brown of hibernation


greens so bright

and neon


in the light of a

spring sunrise

that you forgot the colors existed.

what winter does

is make us forget

the smell of lilacs,

though we

think we recall it

in the dead of


but it’s just

a memory,

because that

first small scent

of spring lilac –

the memory was

nothing like this.

what winter does

is make us forget that

its complete silence,

its stillness,

its full calm,

was preparing us

for what we


patio time in may

patio time in may

hello from my patio!

every spring i’m shocked at how much i missed spring. the frogs singing in the marsh, the birds chirping all over the place, all the weeds in my flowerbed.

it’s also yoga on the patio time! that’s always a pleasant thing to do. i finished up my two yoga classes and am doing two more over the summer. in the fall i’ll finish up an anatomy class and then have my teacher training done. i may post my final essay for my one class here, but we’ll see if i get to it.

commencement is over, thank goodness. now work will be (relatively) slow for a bit before we go into full recruitment gear for fall. we’re also mid-web redesign, which will come to a full head in the new year.

i was going to do “no-mow” may, but i fear that if i do that, it will be “time to bale” june if we get any more rain.

i planted a wisteria by my shed in hopes that it will be gorgeous in a few years. i also planted a honeycrisp apple tree since my second tree died a couple years ago and it’s good to have fruit trees in twos. my tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, radishes, carrots, and dill are in. and i got my flowers done, too. i hope it doesn’t freeze now.

and the hole in my roof is fixed! so good to have that done. unfortunately, now i have no shade on the north side of my house due to four aspen gone since we moved in. there’s one more dead aspen back there, but it’s in a weird spot and i’m hoping it just fall over the opposite way of the house come some strong winds.

and may is halfway over! it just keeps on going. slow down may so i can enjoy you a bit.