review tuesday: birk slippers

review tuesday: birk slippers

let’s talk about slippers for a minute. i like to have warm feet during the winter, and most of my floors are pretty much carpet on concrete, so i also need some degree of cushion between me and the floor. so while i would love to just wear cozy wool socks, i need something a little more robust.

i’ve tried the basic $10 slippers from walmart, which go flat in about 2 weeks.

i’ve tried slippers with a rugged bottom from lands end/ll bean, which are pretty good, but there isn’t much support there.

so when i got a pair of birkenstocks a few years ago, i took to wearing them around the house during the winter, which definitely helped on the support and keeping some cushion between me and the (cold) floor. but it had a toe loop, which meant i had bare feet.

last year i got a cheapo pair of birkenstock knockoffs with two straps so i could wear socks, and they had faux fur on the interior.

i will admit. these worked pretty well. i wore them with socks they held up reasonably well. but i knew that real birkenstocks use real wool and shearling in their slippers. so i checked out these bad boys:

the birkenstock zermatts.

wool felt, shearling insert, and the regular birkenstock cork support. oh man, they’re like slipping my feet into a fluffy warm cloud of support.

they aren’t cheap, but i was able to get a discounted pair from poshmark. plus, they’ll last forever. i did read some reviews that the bottoms of the slippers crack, but i haven’t run into that yet. i have only had them for about a month, so it could still happen, but i’m holding out that these will hold up.

so far, i give these slippers 5 stars. (out of 5.)

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