livin’ la vida corona

livin’ la vida corona

i don’t know about you, but i feel like i’m living my best life right now.

working from home is pretty ok – meetings are minimal and i’m getting work done. i can get up and take a walk in my own neighborhood over lunch; zoom meetings aren’t horrible at all; i can take a break and do the dishes (i have NEVER in my life been so caught up on dishes); i can stop working and be dressed for a run and out the door by 4:10 p.m.

and while it isn’t IDEAL running weather for ME, it’s still outdoor running a little bit. the wind is killer, though. it’s cold wind, and it’s strong wind. it makes for a tough decision on what to wear while out running. BUT ideal running weather is JUST around the corner.

work weeks meld into weekends because i’m at home all the time. my computer is in front of my window at home, and in 2-3 weeks, things will start to green up and i’ll go all starry-eyed. i take most zoom meetings on my couch. then i watch bad netflix movies on my couch over the weekends. what day IS it?

i spent about 2 hours raking out my flower garden today and found several little green things already. i think we’re supposed to be getting rain in the next few days, so the green things will only multiply. i trimmed the apple trees and the raspberry bushes, and within the next week i need to start raking my vegetable garden. i’ve also got to get to a greenhouse or menard’s STAT to get some seeds, as i’ve heard they’re going to go the way of toilet paper. “essential trip.” (YES. it’s essential. have you seen my cupboards? i’m not running out of pickles anytime soon.)

i’ve talked to friends/family more in the past two weeks than i normally would – i have virtual coffee with jenee and john on monday mornings, then on friday mornings, jenee i have a week end meeting. my sisters and i have a friday afternoon week end wrapup. i text matt and my boss like crazy.

i’ve made a ton of bread (yeah me and everyone else). i’m trying my hand at sourdough, which is fickle but delicious no matter how it turns out. a longer post to come on that one.

i’ve done three puzzles in the past week. i’m rereading “the stand” and have a stack of fiction books at the ready. i’m going to do a podcast this week about hiking memoirs and tying them into state parks for CMLE podcast series, which is great timing for the time of year and the time of covid.

my cats love making appearances during my zoom meetings, and people love that they make appearances.

i’ve spent more on booze in the past two weeks than in the past two years, and according to the barefoot contessa, “during a crisis, almost any hour is cocktail hour.”

keeping the local economy alive! colorado bulldogs are delicious. i get budweiser lime-a-ritas for nate. a week or two ago, i was stress eating like crazy, but also anxiety running like crazy. they sort of even out? since then, work has slowed down a little bit and my anxiety has backed off a little bit. the sun helps.

the only thing i’m worried about right now is that nate still goes to work every night. it’s inevitable that he will get CV, and that means i will get CV.

until then, cheers. livin’ la vida corona!

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