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Month: September 2014

why lard – i rendered my own!

why lard – i rendered my own!

lard does not have a very happy connotation in this country. since we went fat-obsessed in the 80s, anything even remotely fatty has gotten a bad rap. instead of using animal fat like butter and lard, we’ve been stuffing ourselves full of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (i’m looking at you, crisco and margarine) and sugar (i’m looking at you devil’s syrup). guess what? turns out fat isn’t that bad for you after all. 
add in the “use the whole animal” and locavore movements that are taking hold, and it so happened that when i bought a half a hog, i said yes to the fat. rendering lard, it turns out, is not that difficult, and the end result is some awesome fat you can use in your baked goods in place of shortening. most times, its taste is better than shortening.
pie crust that is half butter and half lard is DIVINE.
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i had two and a half huge tubes of fat, and it took me all day to get the lard rendered from them. prep work: getting out my cake and pie pans for the lard to harden up in.
i decided to do this in my dutch oven since it retains heat better. the things i had read online said to cook the fat over medium heat, but with the DO, i was able to heat it over medium-low to low heat. i tried medium, and the fat burned. 🙁
so, i dumped the fat into the DO.Screen shot 2014-09-06 at 7.32.38 PM
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it started to cook down. every 20 minutes or so, i would strain off the fat that started to melt off. i had my strainer in a pot lined with 4-5 layers of cheesecloth to catch all the nasty bits you don’t want floating around in your lard.
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the first few times i strained off my fat, the fat was really nice and pure. after a while, it got a little ruddier. i chalked this up to the fact that they had probably given me a whole crapload of different types of fat. apparently if you want purest of the pure lard, ask for the fat from around the kidneys, then the backfat. 
no worries for me; i just separated the two types of fats i was getting. after a while, your fat just stops rendering, and you’re left with cracklins.
Screen shot 2014-09-06 at 7.33.29 PMthese are delicious with a little salt on them! i have a feeling they might be good on top of brownies, as well. they are bacon-esque in taste.
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after letting the lard firm up a little, i stuck it in the freezer to completely harden up so i could cut it up into pieces for my big freezer downstairs. 
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this is the good stuff! this is what i’ll use for baking. the ruddier fat i put into muffin tins and my silicon snowflake molds so i can grab one and throw it in the pan for frying stuff (chicken strips, brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc.). it’ll keep indefinitely in the freezer and fridge, as long as it stays there. unlike crisco, this is not shelf-stable (the reason crisco is partially hydrogenated).
i should have more than enough lard to last me a while!



so i found out the other day that my eye exams are 100% covered by my health insurance. huzzah! it’s been about 3-4 years since i had my eyes checked. since it was covered, i decided to get a contacts fitting at the same time; it was only $15. 
i haven’t worn contacts in years, but i ended up buying a box of them. i figure if anything, i’ll wear them running since my glasses do tend to slide down my nose occasionally from the sweat. 
on the glasses front, i have a slightly bigger astigmatism in my right eye, so i ordered a $25 pair from zennioptical so i’ll be able to see 100% clearly out of my glasses.

ooh, second post!

ooh, second post!

so today liz sent me a message about smart tiles, which i’ve now been obsessed with figuring out what i want to put in my kitchen. i’ll need 37 sheets of the stick-on backsplash tiles to do my entire kitchen under-cabinet area. i can’t decide on what color scheme and type i should put on it though.
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i really like the shape of the white ones and the idea of white. the top option picks out my kitchen colors really well; however, i think it’s too busy. so, the bottom one, even though it’s not the shape i’d prefer, has a little more interest than the white ones. 
i got samples of the bottom two to be sent to me. home depot sells these in 6 packs. weirdly enough, the top option is on sale right now for half price, and i could buy my 37 tiles for $120. sadly, i’m not sold on the pattern. grrrr.



tonight i made tomato sauce with the rest of my tomatoes and some peppers, onions, green beans, garlic, and carrots.
my parents’ neighbor has an apple tree, and i told my dad that if the neighbor is just going to let those apples sit on the tree, that i will take them and make it worth his while. plus i still have about 1/3 of the bucket of apples from my craigstlist adventure. i don’t know if i should make more applesauce, some apple crisp, or an apple pie. 
speaking of pie, i have to render my lard this weekend! we’ll see if this weekend ends up being as productive as last weekend (unlikely). i’ll be happy if i get the lard done, though.

take-a-moment tuesday

take-a-moment tuesday

i am so impressed with my last-weekend self, that i have to make a list of the things i accomplished so i can remember how awesome my labor day self was.

  • made and canned salsa
  • made and froze apple sauce
  • made and froze apple butter
  • went to state fair
  • went to canvas and chardonnay and painted something
  • stopped and picked 5-gallon bucket of apples for FREE
  • made and canned pickles
  • cut legs off barstools to make counter stools
  • finished my stephen king book
  • ran 6.2 miles
  • finally got to the farmers’ market
  • convinced nate to buy shoes
  • went to menards, returned some stuff, bought a …
  • protector for the counter above my dishwasher, then installed it
  • made a cauliflower-crust pizza, which was ok but not as awesome as regular pizza

that was a pretty decent list for a 3-day weekend. the only thing that would’ve made it even more awesome is if i’d painted a room or built a deck. another weekend!

thanks, craigslist killer!

thanks, craigslist killer!

a couple years ago, i got a paperbag full of apples from my coworker, saying “ugh! i have too many apples! you take some!”
i made a pie (of course), and a lot of apple butter. apple butter is delicious with greek yogurt. MM MM. 
so this year i think, i’ve got to make apple butter again, but i don’t want to spend a fortune on apples. what to do? craigslist, of course! first try and i found some free apples just south of pine island. on my way up to st. paul yesterday, i stopped and picked a 5-gallon bucket full of apples. 
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first thing: washed them all, then quartered and into pots they went. Screen shot 2014-09-01 at 7.42.06 PMi saw a lot of recipes for apple butter, and they were all like, peel and core the apples, then cook. guess what. i have one of these:
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gift from the cooking gods. works great on tomatoes, too. anyway, i made some applesauce and threw the rest in the oven for apple butter. i’m pulling it out in ten minutes, and then into the freezer it goes!