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Day: May 28, 2013

on writing

on writing

the book i’m writing could be pretty controversial among some family members, not to mention people i rub shoulders with – i do live in the midwest, after all. which means i have to get over my fear of confrontation (well, not fear – just hating feeling like i’m wrong and that people will hate me because i have a different opinion).
i was waffling on whether to show my aunt kathleen some pages i’d written. i talked to jane. she said, “it’s your book! you get to write what you want!” yes, yes.
then i talked to my dad and mentioned the same thing, and he said the same thing. (he might have political issues with what i write, but i am letting him read it through.)
i have no problem having my opinions and writing the book, but i need to get over it. hence the relevant xkcd.

come, spring!

come, spring!

rain rain go away
waiting for a sunny day
i want to sweat good
i feel like my long memorial weekend was nothing but a driving weekend. boo.