work woes II
today we had a meeting at work, and they are doing all they can to prevent future layoffs. this means whittling down everyone’s vacation to 20 hours by jan 31 (and i mean EVERYONE company-wide – thousands of people) and quitting the 401K match until at least june. the vacation thing doesn’t bug me because i don’t have 200 hours like some people. i have 12, and we are required to take off xmas eve and day after xmas as well as the day before and after new year’s. i feel bad for my one coworker who’s been saving her vacation for maternity leave. baby’s due in february and she’ll have to use her vacation time before that. that would SUCK.
ugh! i’m glad to have a job and all, but this is just depressing. the thing is, is that we’re busy in my dept. we’ve been busy for a while. add to that no raises this year, no 401k match, rising health insurance costs, what a pain in the behind.