the job front
i have an interview tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. at merrill for a prepress position. i’m not sure how that will go, but we’ll see. might be an interim job til i find something better.
i also have a second interview at SPX in owatonna for a communications assistant manager thingy whatever. sounds like a not so great job, but it would be somehting. i’m preparing my cover letter to send to SCSU and i am having a heckuva time getting it together. i’m not sure what i should say and how i should say stuff. i hate writing cover letters!
meanwhile, target is there. not much to write home about that job. it’s monotonous busy-work. people need to quit buying so much crap!!
oh, and here’s a piece of advice. grocery shop at target. i’m not kidding. food is CHEAP there. i suppose it’s cheap at walmart too, but seriously, i found a thing for like $2 cheaper at target, and milk is about 40ยข cheaper, etc. etc. so, that’s my advice for the day. ๐