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Month: December 2024

2024, a year

2024, a year

oh hi. so this has been a sad year of blogging. so much for a 20th anniversary bangout. but i thought i’d at least do my year wrap-up to keep with tradition.

read more books. or just continue to read books. while i didn’t read MORE books than last year, i definitely continued to read books. i also listened to quite a few audiobooks. i am going to move from goodreads to fable as a tracker, though.

keep on traveling! traveling this year was FANTASTIC!! i went to seattle for a work conference, then to michigan for our destination ragnar. then in september, it was time for croatia!! what a blast.

keep on running. well, this was kind of a bust. my running kind of fell off the radar of my brain along with any ambition for it. the ragnar we went to was actually more like a walk in the woods versus a run. but i got a new treadmill, and i feel like i’ve been picking up on the running thing lately. plus i’ve been doing more weight training.

i may try to do the yoga every day again. i didn’t do this, but i might try to do it this year. whenever i do it, it feels so nice. i also should try to get back into a more regular meditation practice.

do something with nate. i did not do this. we didn’t do much of anything this year, though he did end up taking a week off over thanksgiving and a week off over christmas. he’s become a hermit!

overall, 2024 was pretty ok. we won two national awards at work for our website. i hosted and organized the regional conference for the national marketing org i belong to at work. i got two window bird feeders which have been a hit for everyone. i took the gross plastic flashing and fencing off the entryway to my house and it looks so much better. i finished the front bedroom’s floor so now just one room left to replace carpet.

not great things about 2024: too many wind storms. i think i spent half my summer weekends cutting up trees that blew over (and not the right ones). willow peed everywhere til we figured out what her problem was. i had three events within 4 days of each other at work, including the conference hosted above, which no one consulted me about before scheduling. i was ready to throw things.

then there was the election. hoo boy. we’ll see what happens next.