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Month: March 2024

new chapter?

new chapter?

i was thinking about the fact that i haven’t blogged since jan. 1.

and this is the 20th anniversary of me blogging.

that’s a lot of years of putting my thoughts out in the internet for all to see. and the internet has had its ups and downs, mostly downs i think.

so instead of this just becoming a dead blog, i think i’m going to archive everything on and move to a newsletter format instead. that way i won’t feel any pressure to blog publicly. those of you who want to stay connected can as i feel compelled to write something of note. and if you really want to stay on top of what i’m doing, the best way these days is instagram, though that’s really sparse these days too. no facebook. no twitter. hmm.

you’re gonna have to wait for my christmas card.

anyway, i think those of you who are signed up to get emails are in a list on my wordpress so i can make an email list if i want to do some newslettery type of thing.

or maybe we go back to written letters? like i said, the internet is getting weird again (which may be my first newsletter).

anyway, if you want to NOT receive a newsletter, and you got this email in your inbox, send me a note:

I’m going to stop my webhost renewal and hope that calms down the weird hackers that always seem to like to take over my site.

happy 20th anniversary of blogging – kate out?