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Month: November 2023

a late travelblog

a late travelblog

i don’t know if i’ve ever traveled as an adult just to visit a national park. well, that happened about a week ago! yosemite national park has been on my list for a while, and megan and i headed out to california to check it out.

we left late morning from MSP and landed about 1:30 in san francisco. after getting our car, we checked out a sourdough bread place, then the beach, then we were able to get into our airbnb, which i think was either in an asian district, or there are so many people of asian descent in sanfran that it stood out to me. we had supper at a vietnamese restaurant with some amazing pho!

the next day we headed over to yosemite, which is about a 4-hour drive from sanfran. we stopped at a super cute cafe for breakfast first, where i had a bagel smothered in cream cheese, avocado, and bacon. delish! then onward to inland!

on the way we stopped at a roadside fruit stand, which has plenty of fruit, pies, poinsettias, jam, pumpkins, and was a good way to distract from the acres of almond farms we were driving past.

the trip into the mountains was harrowing. we were on the outside lane of a two-lane road on the side of a mountain that just got higher and higher and higher, and let me tell you, i was about ready to quit. but we made it through and up and then into the mountains! and then…

there it is – el capitan. you can’t describe the immensity or capture it in a pic. it’s just ginormous.

we ended up staying in curry village, which is comprised of some lodges, cafes, and a bunch of white canvas square-frame tents. i had the foresight to spring for the heated tent, which was a good thing because it got cold at night!

the first full day in yosemite it rained. it was pretty terrible outside, so we checked out the gift shops and museums, as well as watched the informational video about how the park was formed. we tried to go on a bus tour, but after getting the runaround about 10 times, it was full. boo!

the next day, however, was pretty awesome. the above pic was the view from the walkway that led from our tent to the lodge. that morning, we were on a mission to be able to get to the base of yosemite. after a failed first attempt, the second did the trick.

there was a lot of hiking over big rocks and tricky maneuvers, but thanks to the hiking poles i had the foresight to bring, we got to the base!

that rock is sheer. i don’t know how people climb it! then we headed to the mist trail/john muir trail, where we climbed up and up and up and up along a paved path to check out a waterfall. there was a lot of uphill and it was not fun. but the views were great when we got up there, and good news – it was all downhill from there.

then on monday, we packed up early and left yosemite valley. we took a different route home, which was much less harrowing, and we got to the airport around 2:30, took off a half hour late due to medical, and then we got to MSP about 10:30. it was a short trip, but it was a good one! also, highly recommend yosemite.



obviously kate’s blog posting month is not happening this year. but that’s ok. i get my writing time in at work these days!

so, a few updates on what’s been going on at casa de kate and nate.

well, casa de nate is him working 10-hr shifts cuz he can’t say no. BUT he has the week of thanksgiving off, so that’s great. for him

cuz i’m headed to yosemite national park next thursday-monday! megan and i are finally going on a trip together, something she’s been trying to get me to do for years. so i’m hoping you’ll be able to get some travelblog posts out of me those days. we’re flying into san fran early thursday afternoon, spending the night there, then yosemite on friday, saturday, and sunday night. flying back monday, at which point i will be executing super secret plan that i’m not going to disclose just in case.

meanwhile, nate will be hanging with the cats at home. i’m coming back on tuesday, and then thursday will be thanskgiving already???? like, i know time flies and all that arrow nonsense, but holeeeee mackerel.

my goal is to get a costco rotisserie chicken this year. last year they didn’t get their chicken shipment, which blows.

oh! and i got a new ear piercing – my conch on my right side. i’ve been eyeing that one for a while, and while it hurt like a banshee scream doing it, the healing process has been SUPER AWESOME. if you want a quick healing piercing, that’s the one to get.

anyway. kate out.

ralf in peace

ralf in peace

we had to take ralf in last week to get put down 🙁 he had not been doing well for a while, but the past week he’d been getting worse and worse. he was having trouble staying upright and was very lethargic.


this guy was just a weirdo from start to end! the first week he was with us, he would jump up into the basement rafters in our st joe house. then he became super chonker. and let me tell you, chasey HAAAAAATED ralf. hated him! she would fly across the room just to swat him in the face! so that poor dude would eat all the food just in case she would come around and attack him.

after chasey left for the big catbox in hell, cuz you know that’s where she went, ralf slimmed down considerably and was so much less stressed. at least the last 6 years of his life were chasey-free so he could enjoy them a bit more.

it certainly didn’t calm his other anxieties down! he was ALWAYS underfoot. he always wanted fresh, cold water. and he never shut up about it.

ralf was never really my cat except at the beginning. nate didn’t want a third cat and was irritated when i brough ralf home, but it didn’t take long for that grey guy to weasel into nate’s heart. (not that it takes much for any cat to do that.) ralf was definitely nate’s cat.

it took a couple days for nate to admit that we needed to take ralf to the vet, and he was just a mess, understandably so. when we came back to the house, the weekend was quiet and melancholy. sophie kept looking around for ralf, and both cats were abnormally calm and lethargic. but in the past couple days, stan’s gotten his zoomie crazy time back, and sophie has been chattering away more often. nate’s already looked at the humane society website.

RIP ralf – you were certainly a weirdo. i hope you don’t have to share a catbox with chasey.

the weird room

the weird room

i finally bit the bullet and packed up my desk. i haven’t used my desktop mac very much at all lately, especially since covid. i need to use my laptop to use any sort of adobe software these days, and since i’m not even taking many pictures anymore, it’s kind of useless to take up that much real estate in the weird room for something i use 3 times a year.

now i’m waiting on a new filing cabinet that matches our other furniture and will hopefully be easier to move than our current one. THEN i’m going to find a comfy round reading chair over veterans day sales (hopefully). THEN i’m going to clear off my corner shelves and put books up. THEN i will be on my way to a library-esque vibe in that corner!

(i did ask nate if he wanted to move his desk over there, but he wasn’t too keen on being over there during the summer months with the sun shining in the window.)