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Month: March 2015



i found the resolution to my homemade pizza woes.
i always have problems moving it from the peel to the stone, and toppings end up everywhere and all over the stone. then it burns and it stinks. 

look at that! it has a conveyor belt! you slide it under the dough and zip it on, then slip it off on to the stone. aaah! the only unfortunate thing about this is it’s $60. 

hot and bothered

hot and bothered

60 degrees tomorrow! i am getting way too excited for my garden. i’ve got to take a step back since planting season isn’t for another two months. (although seed-starting season is right around the corner.)
i feel like i’ve been neglecting my blog readers. i’m really going to try to blog more. REALLY! 

weekender update

weekender update

woowee would you get a load of that weather! i went outside for a run today  because it was gorgeous out, and that was rough. ah well – it will get better. i still was able to get a little more than a 12 minute mile, which isn’t too shabby. gotta notch it up for a 10k that’s happening in three weeks though :/
went to lacrosse yesterday for a thing on “it works”, and i’m going to try out the carb inhibitor. lord knows i eat too many carbs. 
speaking of carbs, i made banana bread for the occasion. i somewhat followed the ATK recipe. i replaced half the butter with applesauce and reduced the sugar by 1/4 cup. it was very banana-y!
then i saw these guys:
seedbird cardinal
and i think that’s it for an update! once i get my “it works” stuff, i’ll probably be doing updates with that. 

does the world really need us

does the world really need us

tumblr_lbv9566xQG1qee12to1_r1_1280what makes me come alive? writing. taking pictures. sitting around a fire. being in the middle of a woods. my fingers in dirt. watching plants make their way through dirt. sprummer. autumn. may. october. stargazing. swimming. crabapple blossoms. going places. coming home. reading. reading. reading. making something. being with people i like. being alone. being.
while you read this, you were thinking about your own things that make you come alive. we are each our own microcosm. every single thing you are thinking – everyone else has those same intense thoughts. do you care or think about others’ thoughts as much as your own? as much as you care and are immersed in your own microworld is how much other people are not immersed or care about your microworld. 
so why does the world need more people who feel alive? we are all selfish anyway. we do good for the world; we are happy with ourselves. we do good for only ourselves; we are happy with ourselves. 
i’m getting cynical in my own age.

potential or satisfaction

potential or satisfaction

i worked at the writing center at st. ben’s, which was run by a lovely woman who probably couldn’t point me out of a lineup now or remember my name. (but that’s neither here nor there.) she would tell us a lot about her kids and what they were doing with their lives. her youngest was my age. 
one time she mentioned that, while all her kids could have gotten english majors and been excellent at it, most of them went into a science field or other STEM. why? because it was something they weren’t necessarily good at, and they wanted the challenge. 
recently i was talking with someone, and she mentioned her high school age son was thinking of become a nurse or physician assistant. she asked him why not go all out and become a doctor? he explained that he didn’t want to work 80-hour weeks and go through all the schooling; sure, the money would be nice, but isn’t having a life outside of work nice too? He then showed her services like those offered at the CDPAP Agency New York and expressed his interests for such work.
i could have become a doctor if i wanted to; i have no doubt that the potential was there. i could have taken science classes instead of the “easy” way out with my liberal studies degree and writing minor. i could have pursued engineering or computer science (i actually took three days of CS classes). but would any of that have made me as happy as the plan i did take? i doubt it. sure, i could be rolling in the dough at this point, but at what cost? work stress that leaks into my personal life? work weeks that bleed into my precious daylight hours? i enjoy my job (for the most part) and i doesn’t stress me out at home (for the most part). 
(i think the only STEM i would have considered in college was environmental studies.)
so while on some level i agree with the quote to pursue any goal, job, life, or anything someone has said no to, but i think there’s an addendum. only do it if you want to and it will make you happy. why waste time pursing something just because you can and are able – pursue it if it will make you happy and/or fulfilled (that includes maybe some unpleasant middle to get to the happy end).