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Day: January 21, 2013



since it was a long weekend, i made a couple foodstuffs off pinterest, as well as my crapts.
first was a brussels sprouts/sweet potato/bacon concoction that was delicious. nomg! the original recipe called to add the bacon after baking the veggies, but i was like, screw that! bake the bacon WITH the veggies! and add 3 more slices! woohoo! it also said to add thyme, but since my rosemary plants are waning, i needed to use some rosemary. so i chopped that up and threw it in.
IMG_8649i made pulled pork to go with it. yummy!
then i made these breakfast muffins that are a cross between banana bread, oatmeal, and an omelette. my mouth couldn’t decide what it was! original recipe was lactose-friendly or something, so instead of almond milk i used cow milk and added 2 tblsp. brown sugar. pretty much oatmeal, eggs, bananas and chocolate chips. next time i would add a tsp. of salt.
IMG_8658overall, a productive food/pinterTEST (THAT, my friends, is the new tag and name of this) weekend. veggies get 5/5 stars and muffins 4/5 (mostly for need of salt).

arts and crapfts

arts and crapfts

i made a bracelet off pinterest using string and nuts. no, not those nuts. not those either. yeah, those. see, i knew you’d get there.
i actually had two versions pinned, and i really wanted to make the one version, but there was no website it linked to, and therefore, no directions. not that the other version was any more helpful since it was in mandarin, but at least the photo was self-explanatory:

it felt like making a friendship bracelet. so i plugged away, and tada!
Photo 2013-01-19 11.11.23 PM
i wish i’d had brass or “dirtier” looking nuts, but oh well. i slapped a button on the end of the one side, and now i can just hook it like a buttonhole. not too shabby.