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Day: March 1, 2009

the swears

the swears

for those of you who know, a swear word rarely crosses my lips. i can count on one hand the number of times one has left my mouth: one after some moron of a girl ran into the parental units’ van, and another by accident because i was trying to explain "that’s nucking futs" to someone and screwed it up.
so, the question is, what about replacement swears? is saying DANG IT!!! just as bad as what it replaces, since everyone knows what it replaces? EFF UUU!!! – is that as bad as using the actual F-word since everyone knows what it’s insinuating? i think in particular of interest is the F-word. this is effing ridiculous. frack you. fark you. mother-farker. that friggin’ son of a mother…. we ALL know how these are supposed to go, so when someone says them, what is the difference between actually saying the whole shebang and shortening it up? are we protecting the children? well then, so what: your kids are just going to go around saying "EFF YOU!"  and then what? are we protecting the elderly and faint of heart? do we seriously believe old folks don’t know swear words? these words are hardly "new-fangled" vocab.
what are your opinions on swears and swear-replacements? if you’re going to use replacements, it seems like kind of a cop-out. either go all out, or cut them out of your vocabulary altogether.