

i have expressed my interest in nanowrimo earlier, and now it’s time to kick into gear. if i really want to do this, i need to come up with a storyline beforehand so i can have something to follow and a guide for the month that i write. so, i did some brainstorming and here’s some ideas i’ve come up with so far (italicized are the ones i am most intrested in doing):
a rebel with sisterly issues
single child with parental issues
elderly woman moving from home to in with her children
becoming green and its challenges
helping others (move to other country or delve into US poor)
surviving getting lost/stuck/trapped in nature (like boundary waters)
the big 2012 extravaganza, (could do in a 3 years ago..3 months ago..2 months ago.. format)
moving to another planet
the quarter-life crisis
paying your dues to get in good
religious examination
retell a fairy tale with a twist, a la robin mckinley
heroine saves the day somehow (been there done that)
some of these would require some research, and the two that intrigue me the most would be the ones i would need to research a little, or a lot.
any preferences? any other ideas? i will expect all of you to read this when i’m done with it (it won’t be THAT long, come on!).

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