Browsed by
Day: June 21, 2004

watch for new goodbye!

watch for new goodbye!

ugh i have to go to new london tonight for a late father’s day celebration. and i left my sunglasses at home.
i’m also working on the flyer at work and it’s a pain in the butt! already. i haven’t even finished page one.
now watch this drive

i heart…

i heart…

i heart a lot of stuff right now!
i heart my new grill so i can grill chicken mm mm
i heart july 4 in spicer (2 weeks baby!)
i heart my new cable tv (finally!)
i heart my kitty
i heart new gmail. i have 2 accts!
i got the latest cosmo (yes, i know, i’m getting a bit old for it) and inside there was a bumper sticker-type thingy from citibank and it had a pre-printed “I ” and then it was blank so you could fill in what you heart. cool!